Education Safety Training Brochures Downloads


American Red Cross offers a comprehensive portfolio of lifesaving and lifeguarding training courses to ensure your staff, coaches and students are prepared to respond with confidence when lives are on the line. For more information on American Red Cross training, contact us today.

First Aid/CPR/AED brochureFirst Aid/CPR/AED

The American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED course utilizes a revolutionary approach combining new game-changing educational techniques with the latest science-based advancements in lifesaving care.


Skill Boosts brochureSkill Boosts

Personalize lifesaving training and improve readiness with the addition of available Skill Boost courses, including anaphylaxis, life-threating bleeding, opioid overdose and more.


Basic Life Support brochureBasic Life Support (BLS)

The Basic Life Support (BLS) course provides students and healthcare providers and public safety professionals the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies in adult child and infant patients.


Lifeguarding brochureLifeguarding

The 2024 Red Cross Lifeguarding Program updates are here! Learn how to Prepare your lifeguards to prevent, protect and respond with our modernized program based on the latest science.


First Aid for Severe Trauma (FASTTM) brochureFirst Aid for Severe Trauma® (FAST™)

FAST is the first national STOP THE BLEED® course designed to prepare you with skills to help you handle a life-threatening bleeding emergency. Thanks to grant support from the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, the course and digital materials will be offered at no charge to high school students under the age of 19.


Until Help Arrives brochureUntil Help Arrives

Developed in collaboration with ACEP, Until Help Arrives (UHA) is an abbreviated non-certification course that provides basic essential steps to take when faced with life-threatening emergencies. The course covers CPR, first aid, AED basics, choking information, and opioid overdose response, and it meets many state high school graduation requirements.


Bloodbourne pathogen safety brocureBloodborne Pathogens (BBP)

This course meets OSHA requirements and gives participants the knowledge required to help protect them from the transmission risks of bloodborne pathogens.


Instructor Classes brochureInstructor Classes

American Red Cross Instructors teach valuable lifesaving skills to businesses, schools and communities. Whether you are brand new to instructor training or bridging from another organization, learn how to become a new Red Cross Instructor.


Instructor Inclusion Training brochureInstructor Inclusion Training

A complimentary online course for Instructors educating them on how to create an inclusive learning environment and how to foster a space where all participants feel valued.


First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor-Led Classes Cruz Roja AmericanaFirst Aid/CPR/AED Instructor-Led Classes Cruz Roja Americana

The American Red Cross, always present and at the forefront when it comes to saving lives, brings you the Instructor-led First Aid, CPR and AED Course in Spanish for your learners.


Red Cross AED program brochureAEDs

Be prepared for the unexpected – AEDs saves lives. An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that helps to re-establish an effective heart rhythm in those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.


Red Cross Store brochureTraining Supplies & Materials

Shop the Red Cross Store. Your trusted source for affordable first aid supplies, bleeding control, training reference guides, manuals, and supplies for the workplace.