Purchase AEDs and Create a Safe Workplace - Learn about our Exclusive Offers

The Red Cross offers competitively priced automated external defibrillators (AEDs) designed to fit your needs and stay within your budget.

Our lifesaving AED offers include:

  • High quality AEDs from top brands - Aviveâ„¢, Philips, Stryker and ZOLL®
  • Discounted pricing
  • Select promotional packages with free wall cabinets or accessories
  • Medical prescription and medical direction options
Collection of automated external defibrillator (AED) brands and styles.


Image of a smiling woman holding up a Red Cross Lifesaving Award.

Why Red Cross Training and AEDs Matter

A recent Red Cross Lifesaving Award recipient exemplifies the importance of having the right skills and tools. Amy is the trainer at the local high school and observed a spectator at a soccer game suddenly collapse from cardiac arrest. She began CPR and directed others to call 9-1-1 and get the AED device. The skills she learned and having an AED on hand saved a life that day.

Learn more

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Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm ET

Safe & Secure

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